It has been a busy week. On Thursday the bi-annual meeting of Incheon Presbytery began. The meeting runs for three days. We were there only for a short time. It took HyeRan and I about 3 hours to get there by public transport and then three hours to get back to meet the kids after school. We only had time to be formally introduced at the meeting and to share lunch together. But in that time we met many friendly faces among whom were some of those who came to Riverbend Presbytery last June.
This is a picture of Rev. Bae immediately after his installation as president of the presbytery for the coming year. He gave a short speach in his usual soft and gentle voice about wanting especially to focus on youth and children's ministry in the coming year.
This is a picture of HyeRan with the father of JiSang, one of the university students on the visit to Riverbend, (middle) and another presbyter who knows HyeRan from way back.(right)Rev. Park KyeongSeo, the new president of presbytery (right) with a church elder. (middle) Note the black suits and ties. Presbytery is a different animal in South Korea! This is not just because of the formality. Presbytery is one of three courts in the PROK and has direct responsibility for many things Riverbend Presbytery doesn't. Ordination of ministers is one example.
Rev. Kim YeongSeon from HaeIn Church. She is the corresponding secretary of Incheon Presbytery this year as she was for last year.
In the middle is a dear friend of HyeRan's who is the new recording secretary for the presbytery and one of the people we will definitely meet during our visit in October.
Elder Seo, who came to Riverbend and impressed everyone with his energy and positivity.
Rev. Kim YeongSeop is the incoming corresponding secretary for presbytery and a friend of mine from the days when I was an exchange student at HanShin University.
Lunch break.
Cherry blossoms!
Another friend and member of presbytery.
What HyeRan and I took away from the meeting is that people are beginning to prepare for our arrival. One of the issues they are most concerned about is sleeping arrangements. I tried to assure them by saying we had spend a lot of time thinking about this too and in the end decided to go with home-stay even though we were unsure that our guests would be comfortable in Canadian homes because it was the best way to meet people. I also said that we would be prepared for something different than we are used to in Canada.
On Sunday the Kim-Cragg family when to HaeIn Church, Kim YeongSeon's congregation. The church is socially very active and is running a number of programs for seniors and unemployed people. They also have partnership programs with rural congregations in Korea where they will visit and trade things between the communities. I did not ask what they usually send but after the service we were treated to so very tasty cookies and rice cakes that had been prepared in rural churches.

The Congregation is very much looking forward to seeing us. They are a warm and friendly group with a lot to share and to teach.